Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus to You?

On Monday nights we have begun a series of looking at Who Jesus Is - Who He is to you personally, and who we are in Christ.

Here is recap of the list we looked at Monday night.  We will be taking the next few weeks looking at other names that describe Jesus.

Almighty - Jesus is all powerful  -  Revelation 1:8
                Nothing is beyond His reach or impossible for Him.

Author and Finisher -  Jesus is our start and finish  - Hebrews 12:2
                Jesus was at the beginning of creation and will be there to the end.  He is both the author of all that is and the one who sees His creation through to the end.

Beloved -  Jesus is at the center of God's love -  Ephesians 1:6
                Chris is the Beloved Son of the Father, and as such, the desire of all people who love God.  All who love God will be drawn to Jesus.

Bread of Life - Jesus is our Sustenance.   John 6:32-35
                Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which means," the house of bread."  He is our spiritual nourishment and the sustenance of the world.  All things are kept alive by Him.

Bridegroom - Jesus leads and cares for us.  Matthew 9:15, John 3:29, & Revelation 21:9
                Jesus is the bridegroom and His church is the bride.  He is the head of the church and cares for her.

Chief Cornerstone -  Jesus is our rock of safety.  Isaiah 28:6, Psalm 118:22, Ephesians 2:20, & 1 Peter 2:6
                Jesus is the cornerstone which religious leaders rejected, but which God chose from eternity to build His house, a temple of living stone!  We can rely on Him as our solid foundation.

Door -  Jesus is our gateway.  John 10:9
                Jesus is our opening to God.  He is the only way to heaven.

Emmanuel/Immanuel - Jesus is God With us.  Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8:8 & Matthew 1:23
                Jesus was born on earth as a real human being.  He entered space and time to become one of us so we might be with God forever.

As we learn more of who He is and what He has done for us, we will begin to look at Who we are In Him.

In our small group time, some of the teens described Jesus as:
My Friend,
My Comforter
My Super Hero
My Redeemer
The one who gives me Peace
Someone I can tell everything to
The One who helps me

What comes to your mind as you read over these names that Describe who Jesus Is?   What has Jesus done for you today?

We looked at video by Mike Donehey from 10th Avenue North that described Jesus offering the cup of wine to his disciples at the last supper and how that parallels the Jewish custom of the day of a Jewish man proposing to a woman.

He describes how the Jewish man would offer a something (a price that had to be paid) for the CHANCE to propose.

When we think about it - God sent his only Son (The Bridegroom) to be the price that would be paid for the Chance that we would become His Bride.
Jesus dying on the cross does not guarantee that we will automatically become His Bride.  The price Jesus paid made a way for us to accept what He was offering.   
How many of us would offer something so precious for JUST A CHANCE at something?
Will we be ready when the Bridegroom comes?

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